~The 37th Nominal Roll~

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 The Nominal Roll
Commanding Officers
Lieut- Col. F.G.Woods
Lieut - Col. W.J.Smith
Lieut - Col. E.K.Knight
Lieut - Col. C.B.Story
Major W.F.H.Robertson
The Rev A.I . Davidson
The Rev. Hume Robertson
The Rev. W.W.Smith
The Rev. A.E.Goller
Medical Officers
Captain J.S.Yule. M.C
Major A.V.Honman
Captain W.H. Collins. D.S.O

The 37th Battalion   |   The Nominal Roll   |   Nominal Roll  - A   |   The 37th B   |   37C   |   The 37th D   |   The 37th E and F   |   The37th G   |   37th H   |   37th I and J   |   37th K   |   37th L   |   37th M   |   37th N and O   |   37th P and Q   |   37th R   |   37th S   |   37th T   |   37th U and V   |   37th W   |   37th X,Y and Z   |   Honour Roll   |   The 37th Soldier Details   |   37th Soldier Details   |   37th Soldier Details p.3   |   37th Soldier Details p.5   |   37th Soldier Details p.4   |   Title 64   |   Newspaper Clippings   |   37th Battalion Photographs of men   |   Photos from Aus. War Memorial   |   Group Photos   |   Postcards   |   37th Graves - Tyne Cot   |   The Men   |   Group Photo   |   Letters Home   |   Menin Gate   |   Captain William Henry Collins. D.S.O   |   Honours and Awards   |   ~Guest book~   |   Links   |   Site Search